Much excitement
20 Nov 2008Several exciting things have recently transpired. First, I am going to see Quantum of Solace again tomorrow after school with a bunch of friends. I am looking forward to this; I knew I wanted to see it again after the first time – like Casino Royale, it needs further consideration to be fully appreciated.
I have also made some interesting back end changes to this site which are making my life a lot easier. I’ve switched from the WP-reCaptcha anti-comment-spam plugin to Akismet, which is more popular, and, as popular software often (but not always) is, better. Instead of requiring extra input from the user, Akismet has its own database and spam-filtering algorithms which are highly effective. WP-reCaptcha worked perfectly, clearly, since it prevents computers from posting comments in the first place, but Akismet is nice because it (so far) has had the same effect without making the user’s job more difficult. Further updates on the use of this plugin as I continue.
I have also installed the Stats plugin, which ties a self-hosted WordPress or WordPress MU blog (such as this one) into’s stats algorithms. It’s only been running for a day, so there’s not much for me to see, but it has a lot of interesting features, and I think it may help me a lot in making this site more interesting and easy to use.
Finally, I am going to take my recertification exam tonight. For real this time.