Harpo Jaeger dot com

Dancing up a storm

I just got back from the dance show at my school, which was fabulous. The school’s modern, jazz, ballet, and probably some other style that I have forgotten about, troupe, Catalyst, performed a bunch, the African Dance troupe performed, and the hip hop class Urban Connection did a number, as did the Tango / Salsa class (not mine, the other one) and various smaller combos. One of the pieces had live music, played by a friend of mine.
One of the dances started off with a Christina Aguilera song before switching to something, which, although I don’t remember what it was, was a lot better. Before it switched, though, we were unfortunate enough to be subjected to Christina Aguilera scatting. This is not something that anyone should have to endure. Cruel and unusual punishment, say I.
But it was otherwise a great show.