Harpo Jaeger dot com


I have upgraded this site and the LC(A) to WordPress 2.8. 2.8 doesn’t have as many new features as 2.7, but it’s a bunch faster, and I like it already.

I’ve made a monumental shift in my desktop computing setup. For many many years, I have been using Namely as an application launcher. I’ve tried LaunchBar and Quicksilver, but neither was as fast or responsive as Namely. I have now, for the first time, found a better application. Google Quick Search Box for Mac can launch applications with the speed of Namely (which the other two apps couldn’t), and it has more functionality as well (similar to the other apps). It can search files on the computer, all sorts of application data, the internet (because it’s Google), and my Google account, including Gmail, Docs, Photos, Wikipedia, Google Finance, and more. It’s incredibly useful. It also has a somewhat under-documented and, as far as I can tell, under-utilized feature; Twitter updates. This alone could persuade me to start Twittering, which I’ve been holding off on. We’ll see. Either way, QSB (for that is what they are calling it in the inter-tubes) is going to be great.